Bowl #1

This simple little bowl has a beautiful understated style.  It’s a classic shape, but it’s anything but plain.  What really makes this piece work, is the way the glaze has interacted with the shape and the texture of the clay.  On the inside, there’s a lovely irregular tan tide line where one layer of glaze flows over the other.  And on the rim, both inside and out, the glaze has flowed down leaving the most interesting pattern of transparent, dark blue and baby blue streaks.  It’s one of the best applications of this glaze that I have achieved so far.

The piece is glazed in Blue Mist, one of my favourite glazes!  In the extreme heat of the kiln, this glaze flows as it melts, creating streaks, rivulets and flow lines.  Where it flows away, leaving only a thin layer it becomes transparent.  Where it’s thick, it’s a stunning baby blue with a mottling and occasional dark blue streaks in the colour that encourages you to look closer.  Where one layer flows over another it leaves a gorgeous tan tide line.  Can you tell it’s one of my favourites?!?!

Hieght – 60mm
Diameter – 130mm

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